A Vital Form of Support
Did you fall in love, the way we have, and want to fund the care and well-being of one of our horses for their lifetime? Most of our horses come to us because no one could or would care for them, and because they could not or no longer wanted to be ridden. That makes them at highest risk of being needlessly euthanized or cruelly slaughtered. Many people dump their elder horses because they don’t want to face end-of-life. And some of our younger horses were born to pregnant mares discarded.
Flag Ranch is a last, best stop for them all. We, with your help, maintain family bonds, provide sanctuary for life, and tender care through death.
The cost to sponsor one big horse for one year is $625 per month, or $7500 annually. That covers their land, water, feed, labor, hoof trimming, dental and baseline veterinary care. You can make one annual payment, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly. Any option is easy to set up via our website. We also accept gifts of stock — neither of us will pay taxes on its sale.
Is that too high a sum for you individually? Consider forming a group sponsorship. The most important thing to our horses is that you sustain your commitment, along with us. And our multi-species mascots are available to be sponsored, too. And because they are smaller, their costs of care are less. Their sponsorship level is indicated on their pages. And if you like, your name as their sponsor will be on their page, too.
Meet our sweet animals below. Click on each image to read their story. Each page has a sponsor link where you can set up your gift. Contact us if you have questions, or would like to give via Zelle, check, stock or your donor-advised fund. Whinnies, neighs, brays, baahs, oinks and clucks of gratitude!
Don’t see an animal that you would like to sponsor? Email us as we are continuing to add pages for the other members of our multi-species herd.